Behind the Apron Roundup
Have you ever visited a food blog, day after day, and stopped and wondered what the chef behind the magic looks like? I often wander through my Blogroll and wonder who's on the other side of the computer.
As food bloggers, we focus so much on the food that we often reveal nothing of ourselves to our readers. On any given street, I probably couldn't pick out more than 2 or 3 of the writers of the 100 or so food blogs I read on a regular basis.
That's where this "
Behind The Apron" round-up comes in. Starting today, and ending
January 31st, post a picture of yourself on your blog, revealing as much (tastefully, of course) or as little as you want. Introduce yourself, show us your family, do whatever you want.
Send a link to your post to 28cooks AT gmail DOT com, and I will round them all up, posting the final tally on February 4th. Please make sure you place a link to this post in your entry. You can also feel free to snag the handy button up at the top.
Have fun - show us who you are!