Saturday, July 26, 2008

A Giveaway and a Fun New Site!

I was recently contacted by an associate from the foodie site, Yummr, about a promotion they are having this month. During their "Hot July Foodie Reads Giveaway," they are giving away copies of some wonderful books, which are being given away courtesy of Houghton-Mifflin Harcourt Books.


The one I have reserved for my readers is "Serve the People," which is a fantastic book to read. I have already devoured quite a bit of the copy they sent for my reading pleasure and it's a great book. It's essentially a story that follows a journalist as she eats and cooks her way through authentic Chinese cuisine. And even though it's a great story, it's loaded with recipes, liberally sprinkled all throughout the book.

All you have to do is simply leave me a comment by midnight on July 31st. One will be picked at random on August 1st.

But even if you don't want a copy of this book, or if you aren't the lucky winner, you'll want to be sure to stop by Yummr. It's a great website loaded with all sorts of things any foodie would love. There's all kinds of giveaways, recipes, and surveys to take, all in the midst of a great community of other food lovers. You can even upload videos and pictures of your own creations!

So go ahead, give Yummr a try.

Don't forget to leave your comment for a chance to add this great read to your library!


Anonymous said...

I would like a chance to win a copy. Love yur blog.

Thank you,

Vicki said...

I'd love to have this book. You can never have too many (hubby disagrees).

Anonymous said...

Authentic stir fry recipes? Me, me, I want in the drawing 8^)

Are you going to upload photos of your dishes from it? (drooling in anticipation hee hee)

Anonymous said...

I never win anything, but there is no harm in trying! Thanks for the link to the Yummr website--I am going to check it out!


Maggie M. said...

I'd love to win :)

Lolly said...

Looks like a great book!

Anonymous said...

Sounds like an interesting book. I'd love to win a copy!

Jan Scholl said...

I love cookbooks that are like journals or diaries-I think you learn a lot about the people when you "dine" with them. I will buy this even if I don't win. Thanks for offering and letting us know about it.

Rogue Cook said...

That sounds like the kind of literature I would love to devour!

Anonymous said...

So many great discoveries! First this book, "Serve the People" which sounds like a yummy read, and another great website, Yummr. I already feel like I'm a winner! :-)

Thanks for serving up good reads, resources and now a fun opportunity to win something!

alobsiger said...

Sounds like a fascinating read! Thanks for your great blog!!

Alex said...

Long time lurker, first time contestant.

DM said...

Please count me in for the book drawing...

Trisha said...

Count me in too!

Unknown said...

Already adddicted to Yummr! Thanks for the fun contest.

Anonymous said...

Would love to add another "foodie book" to my collection. Thanks for the contest, and the heads up for Yummr.

milsom said...

count me in!

Jill said...

just found you site! Maybe it'll be my lucky day!

juststudying said...

Chinese food is something I have never even attempted to make, so I would love to get inspired by this book.

Kristy said...

My friend's brother and his friends are finishing up a 6 week culinary journey through China. They are trying to learn how to cook asian cuisine. I'll have to see how the results taste!

Dawn0fTime said...

Thanks for the heads up about Yummr, and for having this book give-away! I'm really going to have to have a give-away of my own soon. =)

Anonymous said...

Found your site about two months ago and forgot to bookmark it. I couldn't remember the exact name of your site, but knew it cracked me up and was something about not being successful in cooking. Finally last week, I found it again. Hooray! Count me in on the prize-drawing, please.


ludi leao said...

Sound incredible. My husband and I are gastronomical travelers and this is just the book!
By the way, i lov your Cilantro Zucchini Hummus recipe, we are zucchinis fans and this was a the great surprise us.

Anonymous said...

Sounds great!! Books are fantastic in the journey of food!! I would love a chance to win!! :)

Courtney said...

cool, i'll check out yummr today...the book looks fantastic!

kits54 said...

My daughter married a wonderful young man from China. He creates some tasty dishes just like you! I'd love to cook up something for them from this book.

Anonymous said...

I love this blog, and I love the looks of this book. Pick me! Pick me!

Kirby! said...

Hello! Not only would I love that book, but I wanted to let you know that I nominated you for a Brillante Weblog Award. You can see my site for details, and hopefully nominate seven of your own favorites!

lekkercraft said...

The Yummr site is interesting - I'm looking forward to exploring it some more.

I'm obsessed with food books these days and this one looks great (and not just because of the pretty cover, either!)

Anonymous said...

I have a serious love for Chinese food--which has been inspired by my trips to various parts of China as well as my siblings who originated there! I would love to own this book!

Unknown said...

Hello ** I am new to the whole food blogging world and I am already addicted. I would love to win this book!!! I will definatly check out the site and your blog. Help there is so much out there to read!!!!!

Jen said...

Ooh, looks yummy! Would be a great addition to my collection.

Meghan said...

Sounds like a neat book!

NWJR said...

Some sweet day I'm going to win something on this blog...I just know it!

Anonymous said...

I just got referred to your blog by Yo Soy!, and here you are giving away something already. I will be participating in the behind the apron aspect as well. Keep up the good work!

Michelle said...

Thanks for the opportunity. You've got a great blog and I can't wait to try some of your recipes!

Anonymous said...

yo i just found out about your blog its really great keep up the good work