I was so excited when I was contacted and asked if I wanted to give away a copy of Alissa Cohen's newest book, "Raw Food For Everyone." I've been a huge fan of Cohen's, ever since I laid my hands on her first book, "Living Food."

What a great second book this is. What I love about it is that it's a very tangible and usable book for almost any home cook. The problem I have with most raw food books is that they use all sorts of fancy ingredients and equipment that most kitchens aren't stocked with, unless you just happen to be a raw vegan. As someone who dabbles with eating raw as much as I can, I'm not always in the mood to make a recipe that requires special ingredients that require a trip to my local health food store and 48 hours of prep and cook time.
Now don't get me wrong - like her first book, this definitely has some recipes that will require some time. But it's a great mix of easy, quick recipes and more gourmet, intensive recipes.
The book starts with chapters on soaking, sprouting, why raw foods are good for you, etc. Then it moves into the recipes. There are some great cheese recipes, pickles, smoothies, crackers and wraps - you name it, it's probably in here. Whether you're a raw foodist, a vegan, or just interested in raw food, this is definitely a great book to have in your library!
Alright, now that I've gone on long enough, let's get to the good part.
It's easy to participate. All you have to do is answer the following question in this post's comment section. The contest will end Sunday night, November 7th @ midnite. I'll enter everyone's name who answered the question into a drawing and announce the winner on my blog Saturday, November 6th.
QUESTION: What is your primary diet - vegan, vegetarian, raw foodist, none of the above but just curious, etc.?
For another entry - follow 28Cooks on Twitter. Make sure to leave me a comment if you do.
For an additional entry - Post this message on Facebook – you can do this once each day for an extra entry: I entered to win a a copy of "Raw Food for Everyone" at www.28cooks.com & you can too – http://bit.ly/c5efom
For an additional entry - Tweet this contest on Twitter, you can do this once each day for an extra entry - copy this for your Tweet: RT – I entered to win a copy of Alissa Cohen's "Raw Food for Everyone" & you can too @28Cooks – http://bit.ly/c5efom
Want another chance to win? Write about this giveaway on your blog and link back to this blog post. Come back to let me know in a separate comment.
Vegan first - but mostly raw.
Thank you for the chance to win this book. I have been anxiously awaiting its release.
None of the above but I try to eat Vegetarian often. I also love raw foods and just love the adventure of trying all kinds of recipes.
None of the above but I love to try raw/veg meals as often as possible! I love trying new recipes.
None of the above, but I'm definitely curious! Love my veggies, and look for any excuse to eat them. I've wanted to do more exploration into the raw food lifestyle! Thanks for the giveaway!
Been a vegetarian for over 32 years now. I would probably be vegan if hubby were open to it but guess I am lucky he eats veg at home otherwise he would not eat at all. He sneaks off for steaks etc when he can. I could live on fresh raw veggies for weeks at a time.
vegan - switching to raw!!!
none of the above. we are gf&df, I love soaking grains, beans & nuts. I try to cook as healthy as I can. we love raw snacks & breakfasts.
mamasimpson4 at yahoo dot com
I eat low carb---but I do incorporate all veggie meals and raw meals often....love your blog!
I'm a 19 year old nutrition student, and I have been a strict vegan for four years. I have been gluten-free for the past six months, and I recently started a small farmer's market business that specializes in vegan and gluten free foods. I would love to learn more about the raw food movement and incorporate it into my own diet and my business in the future.
I consider myself a conscientious omnivore. I buy my produce local and organic, I buy my meat from local ranches that adhere to husbandry and humane standards, and fish that is only on the Monterey Fish Guide approval list. I go Vegan once a year for a month and try to eat raw at least once or twice a week. My dehydrator and juicers never get put away, and I find endless new things to make in them....speaking of which , smoothie time.
Vegan, but a bit curious for raw.
Would like to try raw without needing to buy expensive equipment.
Vegetarian, but I keep my house vegan. I have been reading a lot about raw diets over the last year.
I've been both vegan and vegetarian and currently consider myself a conscious fish/poultry eater. Love my veggies though, and raw food, especially when I get to play with my dehydrator.
vege leaning towards raw
None of the above but looking for ways to incorporate more raw fruits and veggies in my family's diet. Also I want to support my mom who is very into the raw food diet. I would love to be able to surprise her with some great recipes!
of the above, but I am trying to incorporate all of the above into our family diet. Thanks for the chance to win!
i am a vegetarian, but i find it very hard. such a nice book would help :)
split between vegan and raw. would love the book!
vegan/raw combo and my true love tolerates but is a meat and fries man. i try to balance our 2 worlds so chickens show up occasionally, enjoy experimenting with the raw 'uncookbooks' just made cashew/date balls and date coconut rolls as my sweet snacks to help me avoid the halloween candy ambushing me.
Nice to know there's a cookbook that'll give cooks the freedom to dabble in eating raw without the commitment of buying special equipment, etc. After all, it's not a religion or anything. It's just food. *smile* Thanks for the opportunity.
I have been a strict vegan for over 6 years now.
firstly, nice pic. And i like your contest of diet - vegan, vegetarian
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