You know, I started 28 Cooks in January of last year to keep track of all the things I was making in my kitchen. It sort of blossomed into a whole cooking & food photography thing, and every minute I get to spend on it is like a gift. For example, I spent most of today, before going into work at 3pm, in my kitchen, trying out new recipes, cooking, and taking pictures. It was the perfect day, with the sun streaming in and the music playing. So even if no one read this, I'd still do it, just because I love it.
Now that being said, it's always nice to read the comments, and every time I get one, I get a little thrill reading what you've made, how you've liked it, and what changes you've included to make it your own. And when one of my readers takes the time to nominate me for an award, like this:

It makes me feel honored and appreciated. Thanks for the nomination, and I would love it if you would take the time to vote for 28 Cooks. There are plenty of other great food blogs being nominated, so make sure you take the time to take a peek at those too.
Congrats! A well deserved nomination.
I love your blog and have started my own with the recipes from my high school cooking class. thank you for your inspiration.
my foods blog:
Happy to know that this blog was nominated.Love to visit your blog.congrates
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