Saturday, November 17, 2007

Today I received some terrible news that a very good and special friend of mine passed away suddenly, leaving behind 2 beautiful young daughters and a wonderful husband, Bill. The shock and sadness felt over the loss is almost overwhelming.

We met in such a weird way many years ago. We both belonged to a knitting email list and she contacted me after discovering we were about the same age. We emailed constantly and spent hours on IM and the phone talking about almost everything in our lives. After a few years of an online friendship, we finally met when she flew down to see me. The instant we met, we knew we'd be friends for life. We had an instant connection that made if feel as if we'd been friends for a lifetime. She was a constant presence in my life and we helped each other through some of the most significant events in our lives.

We spent the years alternating visits, me flying up to New Hampshire to see her or her flying here to see me. I just emailed her earlier this week about coming down for my birthday in a few weeks, and although she was unable to, we were making plans to visit each other in the near future.

She was beautiful, fun, vivacious, and an incredible mother. She had a way of lighting up a room with her presence, was liked by everyone that met her, and was an amazing person. I will miss her terribly. Please pray for her family and friends as they come to terms with the loss.

The Biffs

I love you, BIFF.


Anonymous said...

With love and sympathy

Anonymous said...

With love and sympathy

Nabeela said...

I am really sorry to hear that. All my condolences for the family.

Helene said...

Really sorry to hear that. My thoughts and prayers to you and her family.

Divya and Chaya said...

Pray to go that her soul rests in peace!

Chris said...

I am so sorry to hear about this loss. My thoughts and prayers go out to her family and friends.

Abby said...

What heartbreaking news. I feel so bad for her daughters.

Anonymous said...

I am so sorry. I lost my brother a few years ago. You will never be the same but time WILL help.

Anonymous said...

My heart goes out to you and the ones she has left behind.

Dori said...

It's such a confusing world we live in when such things happen, my thoughts and prayers are with you and her family.

Anonymous said...

Oh, what a shock. And thank you for letting us into your life in all ways.
Be kind to yourself -- this is a very unusual time of life.
Thinking of you and being with you,

Anonymous said...

Becky was such a wonderful person - her spirit will live on in those beautiful daughters!

Anonymous said...

I am very sorry for your loss.


NWJR said...

I'm so sorry to read this. My sincere condolences to you and everyone she touched with her life.


My condolences. It's odd that I have more "friends" online that care more about my life than I do in "real" life. Please keep in touch with your friends family...particularly the children. It's so important that they all know that your friend is remembered. Peace.

Bethany said...

I so sorry to hear about your loss!

Cynthia said...

Very sorry to hear about your loss. My condolences to you and all her family and friends.

Karen said...

Wasn't she an amazing woman!? Becky was always pointing me in the direction of your blog, and here I came today to try and find a recipe for trifle, because Becky was thinking of making one for Thanksgiving and I thought I'd give it a whirl for Christmas in her honor.

Becky was so lovely and I know you were very special to her!

Anonymous said...

I feel for you. It must be so saddening and shocking to lose friends way to early. My thoughts are with you.

Courtney said...

I'm so sorry to hear that. I hope that you and her whole family can find peace in the loss. My thoughts are with you.

gray la gran said...


that sucks. (i hope that doesn't sound too trifle, but ... it does suck !)

Rachael Narins said...

that is so terrible. My goodness. So sorry for your loss.

Dr. Soumya Bhat said...

Hoo .....This is really a sad news a heartbreaking news indeed.Well my prayers for the lovely family.....Take care and take your time to come out of this incident

Lubna said...

Even I have a wonderful online friend and we share almost every significant moment possible in our lives'...its hard to imagine life without her presnce.
I can understand your pain. My deepest condolences to you and your friends' family.