Wednesday, August 20, 2008

The Big Winner!

Wow - it sounds like you guys have had a great summer! There were babies being born all over the place, fresh produce being snapped up from CSA's and farmer's markets all over the world, and plenty of good-sounding road trips! There were even a few trips to Knoebels, one of my absolute favorite places. Even those of you who stayed at home had some adventures of your own growing your own produce in your backyard and just spending time with the people that mean the most to you. Isn't that what summer is supposed to be about anyway?

Anyway, enough chatter. Onto what you're really waiting for - the Winner. Thanks to who selected the 29th comment, which was:

JennyWenny from Foray Into Food! Her fondest summer memory was spent biking through the Elfin Forest in San Diego County. What a great sounding trip!

Thanks to everyone who participated and congratulations to our winner!


  1. Someday, the prize shall be mine. Oh will...


  2. BTW, today's post is about Knoebels.

  3. Anonymous9:56 PM

    A cookbook... your photographs, recipes and commentary are more than worthy of a cookbook. I would love to have them in a book format to take on the road for cooking and gazing purposes. That is the cookbook giveaway I am truly waiting for!!

  4. Anonymous12:46 PM

    Wow, I love your blog. Thanks for the great recipes and ideas!
